The COVID-19 pandemic put our leagues and tournaments on pause, so NY Squash refocused its upcoming programming towards providing a safe and fun way for our members to play squash. After weeks of planning, development, and collaboration with the world class club pros here in the NY District, we are excited to present the NY Squash Solo Challenge.
The NY Squash Solo Challenge is a competitive, community training tool designed to improve your squash fundamentals and fitness, while also allowing players to compete against their friends and the squash community at large, all while being on court alone.
The challenge itself consists of a series of tasks that are divided into two main categories - Skills and Fitness - which are completed and input, and then displayed on a Leaderboard. The Leaderboard will show all participants sorted by their best attempt at the challenge, and can be further sorted by criteria such as as age, gender, skill level, and club.
While the challenge was initially created to provide a way for our membership to safely improve their squash skills during the pandemic, we’ve quickly come to believe that the NY Squash Solo Challenge will be a lasting program for years to come. “It’s training, with a competitive slant.”
For more detailed information on the challenge, please click the button above or visit .
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