Singles League Overview
Season Specifics
2024-25 Season
The 2024-25 Season takes place during NY Squash's Centennial year—100 years since our founding in 1924. The league will be led by Justin Berlin, League Coordinator and League Committee Chair, and Ben Baum, Assistant League Coordinator. Helping with the overall management of the League and making up the rest of the League Committee will be Joanne Schickerling, NY Squash President, and Dov Kleiner, former League Chair. Additionally, each Division will have a Division Coordinator. See the Division Coordinators and other 2024-25 details below. For a full summary of League play each season, see the “General Overview, Year to Year” further below.
2024-24 Singles League Team Registration Form
To register a team in the League you must be a Member of US Squash in the NY District. Your club must approve of your team and be able to provide courts for your home matches. If you are unclear on this, speak with a club Squash Pro or Administrator. Team Registration closes on October 5, 2024. Teams must have a minimum of 8 players on their roster by October 10, 2024. Our new, simple team registration form is at the below link:
Team Registration Form
2024-25 Singles League Homepage
The 2024-25 Season Homepage on is:
Division Match Nights
Last season’s Division match nights were as follows, and are not confirmed for 2024-25, but highly likely. We will make every effort to keep the same match nights for this season, but the number of registrations this season may require adjustment. Division match nights to be finalized here in mid October and if any changes, announced via email to registered team captains.
Note: Skill Level Divisions are co-ed, While Women’s Divisions are women only.
Mondays | Tuesdays | Wednesdays | Thursdays
3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
5.5 Open 3.0 3 Women’s Divisions: A, B, and C
Players Per Match Night
In order to mitigate the number of defaults this season, we plan for each team match to consist of 3 individual matches per night, for almost all divisions, including the Women’s Divisions. However, it is possible that the most populous division, the 4.5 Division or others, will field 4 players per match night. Final decisions on players per match night will be based on the number of players rostered and any decisions on this will be communicated to effected Captains in mid-October.
Note on Women’s B and C Divisions: given the typical short duration of the Women’s B and C Division matches, only two court bookings per match night are required, and are suggested to be back to back on the same court.
Division Ratings
In accord with US Squash convention, the number in a Division’s name signifies the top level Division players strive towards, and technically speaking, the rating a player must be below at the Roster Closing Date (see Season Calendar below) in order to be eligible for that Division. Divisions are broken up into 0.5 ratings increments. Skill level divisions are co-ed; Divisions designated as Women’s are women only. Note that the Woman’s Division ratings are expected to be as noted below. But are subject to change, pending actual team enrollments—changes, if any, will be determined and sent to Women’s Division Captains by mid-October.
3.0 Division (<3.0 rating)
3.5 Division (3.0 – 3.49 rating)
4.0 Division (3.5 – 3.99 rating)
4.5 Division (4.0 – 4.49 rating)
5.0 Division (4.5 – 4.99 rating)
5.5 Division (5.0 – 5.49 rating)
Open Division (≥ 5.50 rating)
Women’s C Division (<3.30 rating)
Women’s B Division (3.30 – 4.29 rating)
Women’s A Division (≥ 4.50 rating)
New for the 2024-25 Season:
Enforcement of Payment of Team Dues
Teams will receive defaults for matches played while team dues are in arrears. Team Dues must be paid by November 20, 2024, 30 days after the Schedule is published and invoices sent on October 20, 2024. Payment prior to the start of the season is typical in most other amateur sport leagues in the city.
Any team that is still in arrears from last season will not be permitted to field a team this season until last season’s dues have been paid.
Minimum Team Roster Size of 8
In order to mitigate the number of defaults this season, we have increased the minimum number of players needed on a roster to start the season: from 7 to 8 for all co-ed Skill Level Divisions Rosters of 10-12 are ideal, as some players typically drop out despite initial plans to play, also there are player injuries, travel plus work and family obligations; so getting a full roster every match night can be a challenge—even with a 10 player roster.
For those players concerned about not getting enough matches in on larger rostered teams: again, players drop out, have injuries, travel and work obligations which tend to result in plenty of match time for those who make the effort to be available week in and week out.
Division Coordinators
Division coordinators are Captains’ and players’ first points of contact for questions that may come up throughout the season. Division Coordinators will monitor timely match score entry, player ratings eligibility, and the weekly ins and outs of the Division. This year’s coordinators are as follows:
Division Name Email
3.0 Catherine Shih
3.5 Matt Poveromo
4.0 Andrea Shang
4.5 Daniel Kim
5.0 Mac McAnulty
5.5 Ben Baum
Open Ben Baum
Women’s C Catherine Shih
Women’s B Catherine Shih
Women’s A Catherine Shih
“Two Division” ratings increase cap, for Division eligibility during the season
In the past, as long as a player’s rating was below the division’s limit at the beginning of the season that player would remain eligible for that division for the entire season, as a way to reward improvement. 99% of the time this has remained fair, as most teams have some players that improve up into the next Division higher during the season, which makes for reasonable parity, particularly for the playoffs and finals.
However, to assure fairness to all in the rare cases of players who improve so dramatically that by the end of the season their matches are no longer competitive within their original division (usually junior or lower level players), we will be enforcing a “Two Division” ratings increase cap. That is, to ensure fairness, any player whose rating increases more than one Division rating bracket (Two Divisions or more increase) from the start of the season will no longer be eligible for in their original Division, and must play up in at least the next higher Division.
For example: if a player begins with the season with a rating of 3.9 and plays in the 4.0 Division, but midway through the season is carrying a rating of 4.6, a 5.0 Division rating, they will no longer be eligible to play in the 4.0 division and must, at lowest, play in the 4.5 Division (they would also be able to play in 5.0, but would only be required to jump up one Division). We realize that such a player’s club might not be fielding a team in the next higher Division(s), and thus be placed out of the League for the remainder of the season. But we feel that in such rare circumstances, it is the most fair solution for competitiveness across the rest of the Division.
Captains Meeting — Thursday, October 3, 2024
The Captains Meeting will be held Thursday, October 3, 2024, at Location to be determined. One Captain/Co-captain or player from each team should attend, in person or virtually. Remote link details to come.
2024-25 Singles League Season Calendar
September 5 — Team Registration opens: Click Here to Register a Team
October 3 — Captain’s Meeting @ Location tbd (and virtually) Mandatory for Captains
October 5 — Team Registration Deadline
October 10 — Roster Minimum Deadline - 8 players are required this season
October 20 — Match Schedule published
October 24— Roster Closing Date, when player ratings are locked in
October 28 — League Play Starts! Count is made of shirts/sizes for each team
November 8 — Cut off date when Captains must email the League to add new players, thru the regular season
November 20 — Deadline for paying League Team Dues
December 2 — Date when non-paid Team Dues start resulting in match defaults
March 10 — Last week of the regular season
March 24 — Week of the 1st round of League playoffs
March 31 — Week of the 2nd round of League playoffs
April 12 — Finals Event @ Equinox E61st St, SATURDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON
General Overview, Year to Year
1. Organization
The League is led by the League Coordinator and Assistant League Coordinator. Helping with the overall management of the League by the League Co-Coordinator, League Committee members, and Division Coordinators.
All Division specific concerns should go to the relevant Division Coordinator. All League wide concerns should be brought up directly with the League Committee. The full Committee can be reached through our shared, email address.
2. Divisions and Eligibility
Players must have a US Squash rating below the division they are playing in at the start of the season. For example, players competing in the 4.5 division are required to have a rating of 4.49 or lower. Ratings eligibility is strictly enforced to ensure fairness across all divisions.
The date for locking ratings is typically around a week before when the season begins and players must be eligible for their division on that date. After that date eligible players whose ratings rise above the maximum for the division may continue to play in that division. Additional players may be added to rosters throughout the Regular Season, but their ratings must be below the maximum for the division at the time of being added to the roster.
In the rare case that a player’s rating increases during the season two Divisions above their original Division’s maximum, they are no longer eligible to play in their original Division. At that point, they must jump up at least one division from where they began. For example: if a player begins with the season with a rating of 3.9 and plays in the 4.0 division, but midway through the season is carrying a rating of 4.6, they are no longer eligible to play in the 4.0 division and must, at least, play in 4.5 (they would also be able to play in 5.0, but would be required to only jump up one division).
Unrated player eligibility
Players with a US Squash rating of 1.5 (i.e. unrated) follow this process to define their divisions:
There will be a probationary period of three matches
Player match results will be assessed by their club pro and/or NY Squash, and a final determination of appropriate division will be provided after assessment.
Captains should feel free to contact their Division Coordinator (or the League Committee if no specific Division Coordinator assigned) for review of any un-rated opposing team players that clearly seem to be in too low of a division.Additionally, we ask that club pros monitor the true level of their 3.0 and 3.5 division players, who may have had a US Squash rating below 3.5 as of last April, but who have improved over the last six months and may now be more appropriately placed in the 4.0 division.
Additionally, we ask that club pros monitor the true level of their 3.0 and 3.5 division players, who may have had a US Squash rating below 3.5 as of the previous season, but who have improved over the last six months and may now be more appropriately placed in the 4.0 division.
Junior Player Participation & Consent Form
Junior players are encouraged to compete in the League. However, please note the League is primarily an adult league and appropriate behavior is expected. In order to participate each junior player is required to submit a signed Parent or Guardian Consent Form. We also ask that any Captain with a junior player on their roster sign the form as well. If a Parent or Guardian is unavailable to supervise their junior at a match, we ask that the team Captain keep the outlined expectations in mind.
Forms should be signed and returned to the League Committee before the first match of the season or the first match played by the junior player by email
3. Rules and captain’s responsibilities
The Rules are posted on the NY Squash website here and will be outlined in the Captain’s Meeting. All Captains and Co-Captains should read the rules at the beginning of the season. Along with Captain’s Responsibilities here.
The Captains Meeting must be attended by either the captain or co-captain of every team because important regulations are outlined that allow the league to run smoothly for everyone. If neither the team captain or co-captain can attend, please send another member of the team as a delegate.
4. Playing schedule and match nights
The league schedule is listed on US Squash/Club Locker website at the link above. Division Match Nights remain the same throughout the season and are listed in the Season Specifics section above. They are normally on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, from 6 to 9pm, depending on the scheduling requirements of the hosting team.
Scheduling and Home vs. Away balance
NY Squash developed an improved scheduling software tool that controls the balance between Home matches and Away matches. Home vs. Away scheduling is a complicated process because many clubs have more than one team per division, some clubs have restricted or no home courts, and the number of teams varies each season.
To best manage this, we aim on an overall 50% - 50% Home vs. Away balance, without having it be team specific. For example, your team will have roughly half of your overall matches at home, and half away, but you may play the same team at home for both meetings, or vice versa. While it’s impossible to achieve a perfect balance for every team, the system works as well as possible given the constraints involved.
While specific dates are subject to change each season, the calendar generally looks like this:
Early October
-Team registration opens in all divisions
Mid October
-Captain's meeting
-Teams must be registered
Late October
-Minimum Rosters must be entered in ClubLocker.
-The Schedule is published, captains and pros should book courts.
-Roster closing date, when eligibility ratings are locked and player jersey are counted
Early November
-Regular Season League play begins
Mid December
-Deadline for paying League dues
Late March / Early April
-Regular Season ends
-Playoffs begin
-Finals Event for all division titles, held on a Saturday
There will be breaks for holiday weeks and the Grand Open/Tournament of Champions week, as usual.
5. Playoffs and finals
The playoffs are held in an 8 team draw, knockout format for all divisions. Only the top 8 teams in the standings at the end of the regular season will be eligible for the playoffs. For Divisions with less than 8 teams, the top seed(s) in the standings will get byes as dictated by the number of teams in the division.
All division finals are played at a single event to conclude the playoffs on a Saturday. The Finals Event is typically in May, not long after the top two teams in the earlier playoff rounds are determined.
Please remember that the Finals Event is not held on regularly scheduled division nights of play, but rather on a Saturday. This format allowed us to assure that all finals are played on standard courts with no defects, as well as create a community event at the end of year for us to celebrate our finalists. Plus: beer and refreshments!
6. Dues
Season team dues are $275 per division team and are due in mid November, with the deadline noted in the Season Specifics section above. The club dues required to be a US Squash accredited venue are handled separately by US Squash. For those clubs or teams requiring an invoice for team dues, please email
Preferred form of payment is electronic via Zelle (makes our accountants happy) to Please note what team(s) the payment is for. Most banks allow online/mobile payments via Zelle within their online and mobile apps, or you can simply download the Zelle mobile app. Alternately payments may be made via check, made out to “New York Squash” and mailed to:
New York Squash
c/o Horowitz & Ullmann, P.C.
232 Madison Ave, Suite 1200
New York, NY 10016