Doubles League Overview


The New York Squash Doubles League will cover five divisions: Men's A and Men's B, each organized into City and Country regions each with several teams, plus a Women's league in which players sign up individually (not as teams). 

Season Schedule

Early Oct
Declare your intent to have a team. Email Marshall at or Bryan at

Mid Oct
Deadline to register players on your online roster

Early Nov
Doubles matches begin

Playoffs & finals matches

Season Closing Party (Date TBD)

Divisions & Match Nights

  • Men's A - city region: Tuesday night

  • Men's A - country region: Tuesday night

  • Men's B - city region: Tuesday night

  • Men's B - country region: Tuesday night

In late October, the season match schedules will be posted on the US Squash Leagues Website. 

Player Eligibility

  • Doubles League players must be current US Squash members. Visit the US Squash's membership page to sign up or renew your membership.

  • Players may play on both a City and a Country team in the same division.

  • Women may play in both the women's division and for a Men's team.

Men's Doubles League

How to Join a Team

  • Contact your club pro or your team captain to get your name added to a Double League team roster.

  • Teams form by mid-October, though teams may add players throughout the season. (Note: to be eligible for playoffs/finals, players must have competed in at least two regular-season matches.)

How to Start a Team

  1. If your club already has a Doubles League team in a particular division, you are encouraged to join that team (it makes scheduling much easier)

  2. If you are sure you want to start a new team, get approval of your club pro.

  3. Declare your intent to captain a team. By early October, you must email Marshall at or Bryan at to confirm you are setting up a team.

  4. Find players. By mid October, you must have at least three players registered on your online roster to be eligible to compete. Players must be current US Squash members in order to be added to the roster.


Doubles League

Captain Responsibilities
Doubles League Rules

Questions about Doubles League?

If you have a question, please contact your division coordinator: