Carol and Fred Weymuller
Photo: Courtesy of US Squash
Fred and Carol Weymuller, Pioneers in Junior Development
By Rob Dinerman
February, 2024
The legacy in Junior Squash that Fred Weymuller and his wife, Carol Hunter Weymuller, created, first and most emphatically at the Heights Casino Club in Brooklyn Heights during the decade of the 1970's, and later at the Genesee Valley Club in Rochester (NY), earned them a joint induction into the U. S. Squash Hall of Fame in 2007 and has left a mark upon Junior Squash in the New York area and beyond that has lasted even to the present day. Between them, they made Heights Casino into a hotbed of junior squash by inventing a method of group teaching that became the template for all the club junior squash programs that have followed.
Both had backgrounds in tennis— Fred co-wrote what became one of the most prominent books ever written about teaching and playing tennis with Swarthmore College’s highly respected coach Ed Faulkner, while Carol attained a top-five U. S. Junior tennis ranking and played in the first U.S. Open at Forest Hills in 1968 at the outset of her junior year at Bethany College in West Virginia. Shortly after her college graduation she was hired by Fred, who had been the head tennis and squash pro at Heights Casino since 1965, and the pair (who married in 1972) oversaw all racquet sports at the club throughout the ensuing decade before they relocated to Rochester to serve in a similar capacity at the Genesee Valley Club, where current U. S. Squash CEO Kevin Klipstein was one of their many protégés.
Heights Casino in 1970 had two tennis courts, two regulation North American (i.e. hardball) squash courts, and two considerably-narrower-than-regulation-width squash courts (one of which had a basketball hoop at the back wall), along with a ping-pong table and a squash doubles court. The club opened at 8am and the midday and evening time slots were all taken by adult members— juniors were not allowed to reserve courts. In order to allow as many juniors (i.e. kids mostly aged 8 into their teens) to play as possible, the Weymullers scheduled weekday afternoon lessons and clinics during three 45-minute times (3:00-3:45, 3:45-4:30 and 4:30-5:15). During these weekday mid-afternoon hours—and throughout the day on weekends as well—the Weymullers became ingenious at extracting value from almost every available inch of the club’s racquet-sports space by having the increasing number of kids use not only the tennis and squash courts—including the squash doubles court and occasionally also including having four players play doubles on one of the singles courts—but also the ping-pong table and even the undersized squash courts, where they invented a sport they named Floor Tennis, which was played with ping-pong paddles and ball and an 18-inch-high net.
They also created a program, Scaling The Heights (a play upon the club's name), through which the juniors could gauge and document their improvement. Carol Weymuller had earned a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education and Fred Weymuller had been an English major at Lewis & Clark and later a copywriter for the Wall Street Journal. Their skills in this arena came in handy in the work-book that the Weymullers devised through which the players would chart their progression from Level One to Level Eleven (the top level). Each level had a number of solo drills that one had to accomplish (say, hitting 50 consecutive drop shots, or volleys, or backhand rails to good length without an error) in order to finish that level and move up to the next one. Having a written record of each player’s ascension constituted what one long-time member of the program termed “a great motivator for sure.”
In addition, realizing that there was a need for an elite racquet-sports program in order to accelerate the development of some of the club's most racquet-talented juniors, the Weymullers—who thankfully lived just a two-minute walk from the club—also conducted very-early-morning invitation-only sessions from 6:15-8:00am so that their charges could participate in these "Honors" practices and still get to school on time. At its apogee, there were 125 kids actively involved in the Heights Casino Junior Program—many of whom earned high national junior rankings and some of whom even won national championships in their respective age groups—due to the program's growing word-of-mouth prominence throughout the club and also aided by the degree to which the popularity of the game of squash as a whole exponentially increased throughout the decade of the 1970's, as indicated by the emergence of a pro tour and the number of commercial squash clubs that opened during this time frame. The number of junior squash tournaments expanded as well, and the entries (and often the post-tournament trophy lineups) for almost all of them in the northeast included a sizable contingent from Heights Casino, accompanied, coached and often transported there and back by either Fred or Carol or both. Whenever one of the Heights Casino juniors had a good tournament result—which, as noted, happened fairly oftenFred Weymuller would send a write-up (complete with a photo of the player) to Dozier Hasty, a Heights Casino member and editor of The Heights Press, a popular neighborhood newspaper, for inclusion in a forthcoming issue.
Anticipating that the softball game would eventually displace hardball long before that change began to happen, the Weymullers would have their junior players switch to softball in the early spring, as soon as the hardball tournaments ended, and encourage them to play softball all summer before switching back to hardball in the fall. During the early summer of 1979, the Weymullers even arranged to take six of their top junior players on a six-week trip to Australia, where they played matches against some of that country’s best junior players at the local clubs and got a substantial early taste of what softball on regulation softball courts (80 square feet bigger than a hardball court, with a higher tin, sloping side walls and different markings) was like, as well as to help get them to the point where they could compete against other countries in the softball game. It was a memorable experience—from both a squash and cultural standpoint—for everyone involved, including a visit with the U. S. Ambassador to Australia, an overnight train ride from Brisbane to Cairns during which the burning of the sugar cane fields alongside the train route was visible, and a first-hand view of coal mining while the group was in Newcastle, since the father of one of the hosting families allowed his guests to descend into the coal mine where he worked.
Their respective Hall of Fame plaques credit Fred Weymuller (who died in 2017 at age 88) for being "the innovative founder of the modern junior squash scene" who "changed the way many players first learned the game," while Carol Weymuller—who later coached the men's tennis and squash teams at Hobart College for 16 years from 1995-2011—is identified as "an unassuming and graceful squash revolutionary." An exceptional squash player in her own right (ranked in the top 10 for a dozen years), she is the only person to have been awarded the Achievement Bowl (1980), the Sportsmanship Trophy (1984) and the President’s Cup (1994), and the women's pro singles event that she created and hosted at Heights Casino during her time there—whose 2024 edition was held a few weeks ago in late January—was renamed the Carol Weymuller Open in her honor, beginning with the 1981 edition. She also became a leader in the advancement of women’s squash, including starting women’s leagues in New York and serving as Tournament Chair for the first-ever women’s pro tournament in U.S. squash history, the 1977 Bancroft Open, won by 16-time British Open champion Heather McKay. Both Weymullers deserve to be remembered as truly significant figures in the history of NY Squash’s first 100 years for the vision and impact they had in developing junior squash to a much higher and greater participatory and performance level than anyone previously had thought possible.
Mr. Dinerman would like to thank Tom Clayton, David Boyum, Mary Belknap McKee, Will Carlin, Mary Belknap and Carol Weymuller herself for the interviews they granted, as their memories, reminiscences and anecdotes are the essence of this document.
Rob Dinerman is a squash historian who was the Official Writer for the MSRA Yearbook from 1985-94 and has written nearly 20 books about squash, all of which are arrayed on the home page. His next book, on the first 100 years of college squash (1923-2023), is scheduled to be released in February 2024.